The training lectures are being created and provided personally by me – Sundar Subramaniam, Owner, Binarymission.
I have been doing a lot of training for years, for my customers, and now I have decided to start producing videos for direct purchase by general public too!
This page will be kept updated as and when the training content are ready for general availability.
What Training Content am i thinking to create
The training will be videos that will cover various technologies that I have a lot of experience on, and am passionate about, including:
- All aspects of software development tech-stack: front-end to back-end: Angular, React, React Native, Flutter, ASP.NET MVC, Middleware & Web APIs design, Services & secure design (includes OAuth, OpenId)
- Software Architecture, REST, GraphQL, Microservices & Micro-Frontend (a.k.a. Micro-UI)
- Machine Learning, Deep Learning using TensorFlow, & AI
- Game development with Unity and Unreal, and Assets & Environments design with Blender (2.8+)
- iOS & Android App development, using Flutter
- DevOps practices, Tooling (including Containers through to Kubernetes, Terraform) & SecDevOps
- And... but of course, it goes without saying, you will also see many videos/training lectures on important topics from Pure Mathematics, Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology as well
Training Content Titles - Work-In-Progress
Here are some of the titles of the tech-stack training videos I have come up with, and already started to work on / create: (yeah, very verbose titles (for now)… bear with me :))
- Mastering Python: From Zero to Hero
- Machine Learning and Deep Learning with TensorFlow
- Learning Azure Data Lake and Databricks
- Building Angular (version 10+) applications from scratch, using Typescript, SASS/SCSS and latest ES Javascript language enhancements
- Angular (version 10+) Internationalisation (i18n) - from zero to Hero
- Developing complex UI Components for the Web using React 16.8+ & Storybook and Typescript
- End-to-end Application design and development with React (16.8+), Jest, Enzyme, Microservices, Micro-frontends, ASP.NET Core 3.1+ (C#), EF Core 3.x+, Docker, Kubernetes, and all other goodies in between.
- A deep journey: From creating Docker images, to managing and scaling the deployments into Kubernetes cluster, using Terraform.
- The Essentials of Azure and AWS