
The training lectures are being created and provided personally by me – Sundar Subramaniam, Owner, Binarymission.

I have been doing a lot of training for years, for my customers, and now I have decided  to start producing videos for direct purchase by general public too!

This page will be kept updated as and when the training content are ready for general availability.

What Training Content am i thinking to create

The training will be videos that will cover various technologies that I have a lot of experience on, and am passionate about, including: 

Training Content Titles - Work-In-Progress

Here are some of the titles of the tech-stack training videos I have come up with, and already started to work on / create: (yeah, very verbose titles (for now)… bear with me :)) 

Subscription Pricing

Subscription models are currently being thought about. More information will be available once ready.