Advanced GroupBox
for WinForms
A highly customizable GroupBox custom .NET Control that provides many shapes and customization possible.

Feature Highlights
- Provides all standard GroupBox .NET Control behaviours
- Allows you to customise its various display aspects, including header text, border, font, and many more
- Comes built-in with multiple shapes, and allows you to even further customize the shape
- Full Customization of look-and-feel
- Rich design-time experience for development
A quick peek into some features...
Features-heavy GroupBox Control. Easy to use and customize
The AdvancedGroupBox is our custom Control that works as a features-rich, extended and instant replacement for the standard .NET GroupBox control.
Features include:
- Customizable border colour and styles (including dotted border)
- Customizable border thickness
- Customize separate font for Header text and the rest of the GroupBox Control if you desire
- Supports drawing the Group-box background with either Linear gradient brush or a solid brush, with colours that you can choose
- Supports drawing the Groupbox’s Header text area with border and a background with header section border thickness and customizable colour
- Allows customizing the left and right margin around the group-box header text
- Allows customizing the padding for the group-box border
- Choose between drawing the group-box border to any location in the control – i.e. left aligned or right-aligned, or even centre-aligned

Groupbox can be rendered with differing border styles & thickness, colors and linear-gradient background brush

Groupbox control instances can be rendered with different border colours and linear-gradient background brushes

Groupbox control instances can be rendered with different border thickness and header text alignments

Groupbox control instances can be rendered with a custom specified left and right margin for the header text

Groupbox control instances can be rendered with Dotted border style, with varying levels of Border depths & gaps

Many more advanced customizations are possible too
See the following screenshots below for a few examples of customizations that cab be applied.

Many more exotic shapes for GroupBox is also made available